Constitution of Oakley Men's Shed
Date of adoption: 2018
1.1 The name of the Men’s Shed is Oakley Men's Shed, an unincorporated organisation, herein referred to as ‘the Shed’.
2.1 The aims (objects) of the Shed are:
(a) To promote social inclusion for public benefit through the provision of a facility particularly for, but not exclusively for, men at risk of being socially excluded.
(b) To prevent social exclusion by promoting the opportunity for friendships, social engagement and skill sharing in a safe and enjoyable environment, in which members can meet and carry out creative projects acceptable to the Shed and of their own choosing, individually, jointly and for the benefit of the wider community.
(c) To promote good health and wellbeing to its members through active participation and, from time to time, providing opportunities for relevant health organisations to raise awareness of good health strategies for the benefit of the Shed.
3.1 The Shed has power to do anything which is lawful and considered to further its objects or is conducive to doing so. In particular, the Shed has power to: (a) Raise, collect and obtain funds, receive grants and donations
(b) Use funds to carry out and in furtherance of the work of the Shed
(c) Acquire and manage buildings
(d) Cooperate with local authorities, other organisations, charities and community residents of Oakley & Deane in a common effort to achieve the Objects of the Shed and exchange knowledge and information
4.1 Those over 18 years of age who would benefit from the Shed may apply to join as Individual Members irrespective of religion, political views, nationality, disability or race
4.2 Membership lasts for one year and must be renewed annually at the price set by the Management Committee for that year
4.3 The Management Committee may create a membership in addition to Individual Members (voting members) at any time, should they wish, to allow people to support the Shed without attendance. Such members shall be called Supporter Members and will have no voting rights at general meetings.
4.4 Members may wish to give individual, additional donations to support the Shed. The amount of any donation will be at the member’s discretion. Personal details may be requested by the Management Committee in order to claim Gift Aid.
4.5 The Management Committee reserves the right to reject or terminate any membership, giving full written reason, should they unanimously agree it is in the best interests of the Shed. The member has the right to have their opinion heard before any decision and should have a witness, chosen by them, present.
4.6 Members must read and agree to the terms of this constitution on joining and must read and sign the Shed’s Code of Conduct and any other documents and policies deemed necessary by the Management Committee.
4.7 Individual Members are entitled to vote at General Meetings.
4.8 The Management Committee will adhere to the General Data Protection Register 28 May 2018 when keeping records of memberships.
5.1 The Management Committee shall meet not less than three times per annum and shall consist of not less than three members at any one time including the Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary – the Officers.
5.2 Decisions at Committee meetings must be voted on and only matters with a majority vote will be considered approved.
5.3 Members of the Management Committee must be elected at Annual General Meetings AGM.
5.4 Should the number of members on the Management Committee be less than three and no more than six at any time, interim members can be appointed to the Management Committee, but must step down and stand to be elected at the next AGM.
5.5 Nominations from Individual Members of the Shed to appoint a member to the Management Committee must be in writing and given to the Secretary no later than seven days prior to an AGM. Should the number of nominations be less than the number of vacancies then verbal nominations shall be accepted at the AGM and elected at the discretion of the voting members.
5.6 The Management Committee elected at an AGM shall have the power to co-opt further members to the Committee, provided that the number of co-opted members shall not exceed one third of the total membership of the Management Committee. Co-opted members shall have the right to vote.
5.7 Any member of the Management Committee that fails to attend three consecutive Committee meetings without reasonable excuse shall lose their place on the Management Committee. Any position resulting from failure to attend may be filled by co-option in accordance with clause 5.6.
5.8 The office of Chairperson shall not be held by any one person for more than three consecutive years. Other members of the Management Committee shall not hold their position for more than five consecutive years.
6.1 The Committee shall make such decisions and regulations as its members consider appropriate for the efficient conduct of the Shed. 6.2 The Committee may appoint sub-committees, advisory groups or working parties of its own members and other persons as it may from time to time decide necessary for the carrying out of its work and may determine their terms of reference, duration and composition. All such sub-committees shall make regular reports on their work to the Committee.
7.1 All meetings of the Committee or of any of its sub-committees shall be presided over by its Chairperson. If the Chairperson is not present, those present may elect one of their number to take the Chair. The Chairperson of any meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
8.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held every year, with 21 days notice given to all members, notifying them of the date, venue and agenda.
8.2 Minutes must be kept of each AGM, made available in draft form to all members within four weeks of the meeting and agreed at the following AGM.
8.3 Every Individual Member has a vote
8.4 Extraordinary General Meetings may be called at any time felt reasonable by two thirds of the Management Committee should they need members to vote on matters concerning the alteration of this constitution.
8.5 The quorum at General Meetings shall be 10%. The Secretary shall provide proxy voting paperwork on request.
9.1 Any money or property obtained by the Shed shall be used only for the benefit of the Shed and its members, and in the furtherance of its Objects.
9.2 Any bank account opened for the Shed shall be in the name of the Shed, with 3 signatories from the management committee
9.3 All payments shall be authorised by 2 of the 3 signatories.
9.4 Members of the Management Committee shall not receive money from the Shed, except to reimburse reasonable out of pocket expenses.
9.5 A record of all monetary transactions shall be kept by the Treasurer and an overview presented at each Committee meeting. A quarterly financial report shall be provided to the management committee, showing the financial position against budgets. Annual accounts must be produced for the AGM and available to view by any member at any time once produced.
10.1 The Shed may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of the members present and voting at any General Meeting.
10.2 In the event of dissolution, any assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be given to another organisation with similar aims.
The Shed shall indemnify and keep indemnified every officer, member and volunteer from and against all claims, demands, actions and proceedings (and all costs and expenses in connection therewith and arising therefrom) made or brought against the Shed in connection with its activities, the actions of its Officers, members or volunteers, or in connection with its property and equipment. This indemnity shall not extend to wilful and individual fraud, wrongdoing or wrongful omission on the part of the officer, member or volunteer sought to be made liable. The management committee shall effect a policy of insurance in respect of this indemnity.
Purpose of the Oakley Men’s Shed:
To provide a venue for men to talk and connect with others while participating in group or individual projects.
To provide opportunities for friendship and socialising in a safe environment while at the same time providing the space, expertise and facilities for men to pursue hobbies, crafts and other creative activities.
To undertake projects, acceptable to the group, which are of benefit to individuals, other groups and the broader community.
To achieve this we will:
Maintain an open door policy and will not reject any person on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion or age, though some conditions may apply.
Certain restrictions may be placed on participation for physical safety reasons or in if a participant needs the assistance of a carer (which must be provided by the participant).
Provide a safe physical environment
Provide a safe and supportive social environment
Provide referrals to other services or agencies when appropriate or requested
Respect the rights and decisions of participants
Respect the confidentiality and privacy of participants The Work Environment In “The Shed”:
We will not tolerate abuse, violence, anti-social behaviour or infringements of the rights of others - persons indulging in this type of behaviour will be asked to leave the Shed.
Neither Alcohol (except on special occasions such as Christmas celebration) nor drugs are allowed in the Shed - Any person arriving at the Shed obviously suffering from alcohol or drugs, will be invited to leave immediately and return when sober.
Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous manner towards Duty Managers, Management Committee members, key holders and other users of “The Shed” - this includes being considerate of other persons need for space, tools, materials and equipment.
Each and all of the members will be responsible for implementing health and safety requirements and ensuring they are adhered to at all times. Each member is responsible for the safety of his fellow members. Everyone is a safety officer. Fortunately it mostly calls for care and common sense.
We will share learning, celebrate success and acknowledge and recognise participants.
Have respect and consideration for life outside the shed.
General Shed Rules
Always clean equipment after use and return tools to the appropriate place.
Always ensure tools and equipment are in safe working order
If a fault is noticed you must immediately notify a member of the Shed Committee.
Ensure your immediate work area is free of obstructions and your operations shall not interfere with other shed activities.
Code Of Practise
“The Shed” resources are for “collective profit” not for personal profit.
Programs and activities need to be suitable to the aims and objectives of the project.
No projects are to compete unfairly with local business
The Shed identifies that it is necessary to make a profit from events and some projects and activities to ensure future financial viability.